Wednesday 15 August 2012

My Weird But Awesome Week

There was only 11 of us student's here in W2. They other half was in Devon in Parmaston North, playing for the Devon vs Mokoia Cup. So far we had won the Devon vs Mokoia Cup since 2008 and we had won the cup back. The class came back with big smiles (but they did look a bit green :/ ) they had brought the cup back home. Mean while in Rotorua we were having the best week ever !!! We had art on Tuesday and we could hear the muic beening played, and in music my group the awesome Group A were budded up with K4. And on Wednesday oyur last day befour the other students came back we played house softball with our learning centre. I was the leader for Whakapou and The Green Machine, we were on field first and my finger kind of got a nasty wack with a ball that was going full speed, i was soon sent up to the sick bay to get an ice-pack. :)

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