Tuesday 19 June 2012

My Goals For Term 3

My Goals For Term 3
My goals for fitness is to get a better time then 24:56 for a 4k run & not hurt my knee!
My goal for reading is to read at least 5 novels.
Parent help: by taking me to the Rotorua Public Lirary to get books out.
Teacher help: by getting better books for my group to read.
My goal for maths is to get a higher score in my daily challenge then 7/10.
Parent help: by getting me a maths tutor.
Teacher help: by giving me easier maths for when i'm struggling. 
My goal for writing is to write a informative and persuasive piece of writing to wow the class.
Parent help: by taking me to interesting place's i haven't been before.
Teacher help: by letting us have options to write about.
My personal goal is to learn something new this term.
I hope i can achieve these things this term!!

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