Monday 18 June 2012

KWL Natural Disaster

My KWL Natural Disaster - Drougths

My natural disaster was about droughts. Studying about droughts made me think how lucky I am.
I learnt that the longest drought ever recorded was since 1571 to 1971, 400 years of no crops, dying wildlife and cattle and starving kids.
I learnt that a whole lake can get dried up in a matter of weeks so all that’s left is a dry and cracked crater.
I learnt that there is a group of people fund-raising money for the people in Africa call UNICEF. I visited the
UNICEF website and found out what they actually do to help the people in Africa, UNICEF sets up tents with food, water, blankets and medicine to give to the family’s. Doctors and medics come too, they weigh the children to see how much food and water they need.
When I was searching for information about the people in Africa I found lots and lots and lots of pictures. If pictures saw a 1000 words I wonder what these pictures said. There were pictures of dead animals and they were dried up because the sun had taken away any of the extra moisture. They were dry and cracked plains and skinny and scrawny kids.

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