Thursday 10 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 16

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 16
WALT - Justify Answers Using Information From Text

1. Find The Meaning Of The Following Words: Console / Briefly / Bombbarded / Edition / Pendant /
2. Find Where Each Word Is Used During The Chapter And Given The Page Number And Paragraph Number.
3. Wow Me With An Amazing Sentence For Each Word.

Amazing Sentences
1. A Console Is Like A Play-Sation Which Hone Bought Fior Matt And Jackson To Keep Him Out Of Trouble. ( pg 116 paragragh 1)
2. Eve Briefly Touched Matt Arm. ( pg 116 paragragh 7)
3. She Bombbarded Him With Results. (pg 116 paragragh 10)
4. The New Edition Of The Daily Post Has Just Came Out. ( pg 117 paragragh 2)
5. Mary Basham Wore A Splendid Pendant. ( pg 117 paragragh 3)

1.A Digital Game.
2. Slowly Touched His Arm.
3. She Rapedly Fired Questions At Him.
4. A New Edition Of A News Paper.
5. She Was Wearing A Beautiful Blue Pendant.

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