Tuesday 1 May 2012

Literacy - Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 9 and 10

WALT - Write Informative, Interesting Sentences.
 1. Find The Meaning Of The Following Words:
Caucasian, Complexion, Absence, Sovereigns, Resistant, Corrosion.
2. Use Each Word In An Informative, Interesting Sentence.

* Corrosion - Metal Decay.
* Caucasian - A Person Who Has White Or Pale Skin...Or ME!!
* Complextion - Natural Colour Of A Person's Skin.
* Absence - State Of Being Away.
* Sovereigns - An Old Cion With A Women's Head On One Side And A Shield On The Other.
* Resistant - To Open Something.

* A Caucasian Dude Walked Past Me And...And I Looked Away.
* My Fwend Sophie Was Absence Today.
* I Was Playing On The Field With Sophie And We Found A Gold Sovereigns.
* My Sister Is Complexion.
* My Dads Tool Box That Has Corrosion In It.
* She Was Resistant To Get To Her.

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