Sunday 18 November 2012

Readign Record - Day 13

Readign Record - Day 13
Title: Goodnight Mister Tom
Author: Michelle Magorian
Pages: 1 - 33
Summary: Tom was sitting at home with his dog Sammy when a lady came by knocking on doors to see if people would take in London kids for the war. Willie was sent to Tom to stay and yeah.
Feelings: I kind of remember it like of my old home in England.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 12

Redaing Record - Day 12
Title: The Power of One
Author: Bryce Courtenay
Page: 320 - The End
Summary: Peekay has started to belivie in God and his abilties. All his friends and close family has given him presents for his new school. He has started a posh grammer school. And that is pretty much what happens.
Feelings: Finaly the end. Yeah!!

Monday 12 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 11

Reading Record - Day 11
Title: The Power of One
Author: Bryce Courtenay
Pages: 288 - 320
Summary: Peekay and Doc had a concert for the prisoners. All the gangs in the prison sang and it was beautiful. Geel Piet was murded during the concert though, Peekay found him while getting charged to go home. Klipkop the best boxer found who it was and fought him and the prisoners killed him.
Feeligns: Nearly finished the book very interesting.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 10

Reading Record - Day 10
Title: The Power of One
Author: Bryce Courtenay
Pages: 276 - 288
Summary: Peekay's boxing team has won the finals and went home feeling proud. Peekay has beenung getting lesons with Doc and Mrs Boxall in the libary. Peekay himself has fallen in love with a senior teacher!
Feelings: Funny! 0.0

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 9

Reading Record - Day 9
Title: The Power of One
Author: Bryce Courtenay
Pages: 259 - 276
Summary: So far Peekay's first fight in three years has happened and he has moved into the finals. And he won!!
Thoughts: Really intresting now.

Monday 5 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 8

Readign Record - Day 8
Title: The Power of One
Author: Bryce Courtenay
Pages: 199 - 259
Summary: So far Peekay has been taking boxing leasson's. And going to vist Doc in prison. Peekay's first fight is happening.
Thoughts: Pretty good now

Sunday 4 November 2012

Palindrome Poem

Palindrome Poem

Bloodshed Horrible
Barbaric War
Devastatingly Pointless
War Barbaric 
Horrible Bloodshed

By Hannah as well o_O

Thursday 1 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 7

Reading Record - Day 7
Title: The Power of One
Author: Bryce Courtenay
Page: 167 - 199
Summary: Peekay is in hospital with a broken jaw and four missing teeth from getting kicked in the jaw by a German Military officer.
Thoughts: Pretty interesting 

Monday 29 October 2012

Muggles Are Our Friends

This is my faourite picture from Mrs D's pintrest aacount.

Reading Record - Day 6

Reading Record - Day 6

Title: The Power of One
Author: Bryce Courtenay
Pages:145 - 167

Summary: Peekay has meet Pro. Von K. He is a teacher for music and a horticultre. Peekay's picture and  i was put in the newspaper.

Thoughts: I alright.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Reading Record - Day 5

Reading Record - Day 5
Title: The Power of One
Author: Bryce Courtenay
Pages: 113 - 145
Summary: Peekay has went back to live with his mother in a little town with his Grandpo, the twevle-year-old maids Dum and Dee. His Nanny went back to live in Zululand.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

My Great Grandmammy, A WW2 Fighter

My Great Grandmammy, A WW2 Fighter
My Great Grandmammy, Cath Wilson was WRAF pilot.
WRAF is basically The Womens Royal Air Force, she joined when she was only 16 which means she tricked the inrollers by changing her birthdate. (Naughty Great Grandmammy)
I am very very very very very pround of her because i would never have done what she did because i would have been scared i would have been caught, and that she fought for her country.

My Great Grandpappy, A WW2 Warrior

My Great Grandpappy, A WW2 Warrior
Well this is a story about my Great Grandpappy. His name is Harry Wilson, wait scrach that, Sgt. Harry Wilson. He was born in England and sadly passed away when he was only 92 in 2010, a couple of weeks after my family came back from going on holiday to see them all.
Sgt. Harry Wilson was only 18 when he signed up for the army. He was later accepted and sent to learn how to be a Tank Commander. He was also a Weapons Instructor so he got to teach young people that would be able to save others lives. Later he was given the title Sgt. of the Yorkshire Regiment which means he was in charge of all the young men how had just joined the army.
I am very very very very very proud of my Great Grandpappy, he was very brave to join and help fight for his country.

Reading Record - Day 4

Reading Record - Day 4

Title: The Power of One
Page: 37 - 113
Author: Bryce Courtenay

Summary: Peekay's chicken Grandpa Chook died. He pooped into the Judges mouth so they killed him. Peekay went to the railways to travel to his Nanny's house in the country. This is when he meet Hoppie the welterweight boxer, so they travel together.

Thoughts: Its getting pretty cool.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Reading Record - Day 3

Reading Record - Day 3

Title: Power of One
Author: Bryce Courteny
Pages Read: 25 - 37

Summary: Grandpa Chook escaped getting his head chopped off by eating all the bugs in the kitchen. Peekay has started to do The Judge's homework for him to past the year and leave.

Thoughts or Feelings: Its not my favourite book.

Submarine Poem

Cinquain Poem

Cinquain Poem

Once Lived
A Long Ago
Killed Lots Of People

By Sophie As Well :)

Diamante Poem

Diamante Poem

Are Falling
Poppies On Thier Graves
How We Miss
The Soliders

By Sophie As Well :)

War Wordle

War Wordle

This is my awesome War Wordle
By Sophie also :)

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Reading Record - Day 2

Reading Record - Day 2

Title: The power of One
Author: Bryce Courtenay
Pages Read: 11 - 25

Summary: Peekay went back to the farm were his Nanny and Grandpa lives for the school holidays. His Nanny calls a God in human form to help him with his bed-wetting problem. He goes back to school after he is cured with his new pet chicken called Grandpa Chook.

Thoughts or Feelings: I think the book is getting better sort of.

Monday 15 October 2012

Reading Record - Day 1

Reading Record - Day 1

Title: The Power of One
Author: Bryce Courtenay
Pages read: 1 - 11

Summary of What Happened: A six-year-old Peekay, lives in South Africa with his Nanny and Grandpa. South Africa is divided by hatred and racism. He has been sent to a boarding school, with students that only speak Afrikaans, the language of the Boers and he has been bullied because he is white.

Thoughts or Feelings: So far the book is a bit weird but i think towards the ending it might get better. 

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Chapter 19 - We Find Out The Truth Sort Of

Chapter 19 - We Find Out The Truth, Sort Of

1. Imagine the largest concert crowd every in a staduim a million times bigger, now imagine the power has went out and something bad has happened backstage. Withs black grass that has been crumpled by thousand's of dead feet with black trees around the edgs, thats pretty much the Field of Asphodel.
2. You can choose to reborn three times and three times achived to Elysuim.
3. The magic shoes given to Percy by Luke suddenly they pull Grover to Tartarus and nearly pull Grover into the pit.
4. Hades aura made Percy think things like "Hades should be my master" and stuff like that, Ares aura made Percy want to hurt and punch others around him.
5. Lots of skeltons wearing diffrent millartry uniforms with sharpened swords and guns.
6. Hades complains about the mortals keep dying, more secutity gouls, more traffic jams by the Judgement Pavillion, doudble over time for the staff and Charon wants a pay riase so he can by Italian Suits.
7. Percy's backpack got heaver because the Master Bolt magical apeared in his backpack when Percy arived at Hades place.
8. Percy only had three pearls that can only take one person each, he had to decide who to leave and who to come. In the end Percy left his mum at Hades and he, Grover and Annabeth went to take the Master Bolt to Zeus and find Hades Helmet of Darkness. I would have done what Percy had done because my mum would kind of freak out and yeah. :)
9. They prove to Percy they are good friends by wanting to stay behind if Percy took his mum and left one of them behind.
10. The pearls can transport a person to any places by smashing them on the ground and saying where they wanted to go.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

My Favourite Speech :)

My class has been doing speechs about the Olympics and here are my favourite speech's :)
Bree she did a speech about ParaOlympians vs Olympians :)
Hayze he did a speech about Why Rugby Should Be In The Olympics :)
Kate she did a speech about Why We Should Or Should Not Have Personal Speechs Over Olympic Speechs :) 
Rangi she did a speech about ParaOlympians :)
And finally but not least....
ASHLEY one of our class Korean students did a speech on K-Pop and Korean foods :)

Chapter 18 - Annabeth does Obedience School

Chapter 18 - Annabeth does Obedience School

1. Charon got annoyed with Percy for not saying his name right, and for mistaking him for Chiron the centure that works at Camp Half-Blood.
2. Charon could see that Percy couldn't read his name on his name tag, and they he sniffed him and found out he was a demi-god.
3. Percy convince's Charon with paying him lots of gold coins, because Charon has never had a pay raise in three thousand years.
4. The River Styx is like full of skulls, mist, bones, oily water, plastic dolls, dirty and crumpled diplomers, dead fish. It is like this because of all the polution of all the lost hopes and dreams that never came.
5. A cross between a airport security and a jersey junktion. They were three seprate entrance ways under one huge arch, metal detects with cameras melted in soul-less security gouls.
6. I would be judged by my actions on earth and hopefully go to my type of heaven.
7. His plan is to try and play fetch with Cerberus to get him to run after it so they could get past him. But Cerberus wasn't stupid he keep watching him and the stick went into the river.
8. Annabeth brings out a big red rubber ball as big as a grapefruit, she tells him to sit and drop it so Percy and Grover can get past. She had a doberman when she was little so she went to obedience school with her dog.
9. Percy finds out that three headed dogs like red rubber balls better than sticks and some monsters love attention.
10. Yehh, i would feel sorry for Cerberus because nobody wants to play with a big three headed dog.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

My Weird But Awesome Week

There was only 11 of us student's here in W2. They other half was in Devon in Parmaston North, playing for the Devon vs Mokoia Cup. So far we had won the Devon vs Mokoia Cup since 2008 and we had won the cup back. The class came back with big smiles (but they did look a bit green :/ ) they had brought the cup back home. Mean while in Rotorua we were having the best week ever !!! We had art on Tuesday and we could hear the muic beening played, and in music my group the awesome Group A were budded up with K4. And on Wednesday oyur last day befour the other students came back we played house softball with our learning centre. I was the leader for Whakapou and The Green Machine, we were on field first and my finger kind of got a nasty wack with a ball that was going full speed, i was soon sent up to the sick bay to get an ice-pack. :)

Tuesday 17 July 2012

My Morning Car Crash

Well this morning the school bus was putt - putting along the road when we stop suddenly. 
All the kids stare out of the windows to see what all the hella-ba-loo was. A car had swered on the ice
and flipped over so it had a cracked and busted window and cracked doors. The fire truck, police and medic's were on the seen.
So that is why i was late to school!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Instructions On How To Load A PowerPiont

Instructions On How To Load A PowerPiont
Step 1. First you need to save as but under Windows Media Video.
Step 2. Second you need to open a new post to your blog.
Step 3. By the little picture there will be an video snap click on that and click the browse button.
Step 4. Find your powerpiont and click on it.
Step 5. Click the upload button.
It will take a few minutes but it will upload to your blog!!

Tuesday 19 June 2012

My Goals For Term 3

My Goals For Term 3
My goals for fitness is to get a better time then 24:56 for a 4k run & not hurt my knee!
My goal for reading is to read at least 5 novels.
Parent help: by taking me to the Rotorua Public Lirary to get books out.
Teacher help: by getting better books for my group to read.
My goal for maths is to get a higher score in my daily challenge then 7/10.
Parent help: by getting me a maths tutor.
Teacher help: by giving me easier maths for when i'm struggling. 
My goal for writing is to write a informative and persuasive piece of writing to wow the class.
Parent help: by taking me to interesting place's i haven't been before.
Teacher help: by letting us have options to write about.
My personal goal is to learn something new this term.
I hope i can achieve these things this term!!

Goal Setting For Term 2

My goals for Term 2
My goals for fitness was to do my best in Cross Country and make my house proud.
My goal for reading was to read new books with challenging words and vocabulary.
My goal for maths was to learn how to answer multipication question adn try at the divison question.
My goal for writing was to write a informative piece of writing for my natural disaster about drougths.
My personal goal was to present my natural disaster powerpiont and speech without shaking and stutering.

I hope i can make all of my goals come true!!!

Monday 18 June 2012

Drought Video

Hi guys here is a video i made about my topic on Droughts. I hope you guys like it as much as i do adn i hope you guys leave some cool comments!! :)

KWL Natural Disaster

My KWL Natural Disaster - Drougths

My natural disaster was about droughts. Studying about droughts made me think how lucky I am.
I learnt that the longest drought ever recorded was since 1571 to 1971, 400 years of no crops, dying wildlife and cattle and starving kids.
I learnt that a whole lake can get dried up in a matter of weeks so all that’s left is a dry and cracked crater.
I learnt that there is a group of people fund-raising money for the people in Africa call UNICEF. I visited the
UNICEF website and found out what they actually do to help the people in Africa, UNICEF sets up tents with food, water, blankets and medicine to give to the family’s. Doctors and medics come too, they weigh the children to see how much food and water they need.
When I was searching for information about the people in Africa I found lots and lots and lots of pictures. If pictures saw a 1000 words I wonder what these pictures said. There were pictures of dead animals and they were dried up because the sun had taken away any of the extra moisture. They were dry and cracked plains and skinny and scrawny kids.

Monday 28 May 2012

Muesum Trip

Today Our Class Went To The Rotorua Muesum.

*In Gallery 1 We Saw The Carving Pukaki Who Was Caved In 1836.
{I Liked The Gallery Because I Really Liked The Big Caving Of Pukaki!}
*In Gallery 2 We Found Out The 3 Things That Helped The Arawa People Find Their Way To Aotearoa (New Zealand).
{I Liked The Gallery Because I Never Knew Only 3 Things Helped Them Get To Aotearoa!}
*In Gallery 3 We Found The Maori Name For A Hook (Matau) Adn It Was Used For Catching Food. We Also Learnt There Were 3 Things One Piece Of Flax Could Be Made Of (Rope, Weaving & Bags).
{I loked The Gallery Because I Never Knew The Maori Name For A Hook But Now I Do!}
*In Gallery 4 We Found A Pataka (Store House-Te Oha) Used To Hold Food And There Were 4 Big Spril Designs On The Walls.
{I Liked The Gallery Because I Never Knew What They Stored In The Houses!}
*In Gallery 5 We Found That The Europeans Brought 2 Things Out With Them That The Moari's Had Never Seen Befour They Were A British Flag And A Organ.
{I Liked The Gallery Because Of Never Knew That They Brought Over Them Things!}
*In Gallery 6 We Learnt The Moari Name For The Pink And White Terrace's.
{I Liked The Gallery Because I Learnt About Things Like 62 People Were Kept Alive By Staying In A Whare1}
*In Gallery 7  We Found Out That The Soldiers Of B Company 28 Maori Battalion Fought In World War 2.
{I Liked The Gallery Because I Never Knew That The Men Liked Eating Dried Pipi!}
*In Gallery 8 We Learnt That The Large Caving Of Te Rangitakaroo Was Originally Used For A Gateway.
{I Liked The Gallery Beacause I Never Knew The Caving Was A Gateway!}

The Next Time We Go To The Muesum I Hope We Can Pick Our Own Group For The Treasure Hunt!

Sunday 27 May 2012

My Weekend

My Weekend Was Pretty Fun, My Grandma Had Sent A iPod For Me And Kater To Share And 20 Dollars Each For Us To Spend. Kate Had Went To The 40hr Famine At Brys But I Went Down To See How They Were Going!

Monday 21 May 2012

Fitness - Prom Dancing

 Fitness - Prom Dancing
Today We Did Prom Dancing And It Was Going Alright Intill We Started The Samba.
W2 Had To Show The Year 7's How To Do The Samba And.....We Failed. Someone Stopped So We Kind Of Had A Mini Prom Dancing Traffic Jam!
But I Was Still Lots Of Fun!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 20

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 20

1. What Did Matt And Eve Find?
2.Do You Think They Should Go With Ana? Why Or Why Not?

1. Matt And Eve Found Inside The Ponga Candle Holder A Collection Of Diamonds.
2. I Don't Think They Should Follow Her Because She Is The Sister Of A Person In WXK And It Might Be A Trap.

Monday 14 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 19

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 19
WALT - Edit And Proof Read Our Writing

1. Why Did They Go To The Museum?
2.  What Do You Think Might Be Special About The Ponga?

1. They Went To The Museum To Hand In Eve's Research.
2. I Think There Might Be Something Inside The Ponga Maybe A Locket Of Edward And Mary Basham Together


Sunday 13 May 2012

My Weekend

Well On Saturday Me, Kate And My Dad Went Into Town To Get Our Mum Some Mothers Day Presents And Food To Make Her A Breakfeast In Bed, Dinner And Two Deserts. Kate Was Going To Make A Chocolate Mud Cake And Dad Was Going Tpo Make A Pork Meal And For Desert A Apple And Mixed Fruit Cobbler. In The Suppermarket We Saw Mrs Harvey And Her Son Max, They Were Walking Out Past The Beeper Things And A Dude Walked Out Withy Them And The Beepers Started To Go Off. The Dude Had Shoved Two KitKat Bars Down His Pant...Yuck And Tried To Blame My Teacher, How Mean!! But Apart From That My Weekend Was Pretty Cool.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 17

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 17
WALT - Justify Answers

1. What Is The Gawks Real Name?
2. Were Does He Live?
3. Why Did He Give The Items Back?
4. Would You Be Worried If You Were Matt, Why Or Why Not?

1. His Real Name Is Cecil Hilton.
2. He Lives In A Dirty Iron Garage Behind A Small Empty House.
3. He Gave The Items Back Because Jackson Threatend Him With The WXK.
4. I Would Deffinatly Be Worried If I Were Matt Because The WXK Might Come And Get Him When They Come Out ON Bail.


Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 16

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 16
WALT - Justify Answers Using Information From Text

1. Find The Meaning Of The Following Words: Console / Briefly / Bombbarded / Edition / Pendant /
2. Find Where Each Word Is Used During The Chapter And Given The Page Number And Paragraph Number.
3. Wow Me With An Amazing Sentence For Each Word.

Amazing Sentences
1. A Console Is Like A Play-Sation Which Hone Bought Fior Matt And Jackson To Keep Him Out Of Trouble. ( pg 116 paragragh 1)
2. Eve Briefly Touched Matt Arm. ( pg 116 paragragh 7)
3. She Bombbarded Him With Results. (pg 116 paragragh 10)
4. The New Edition Of The Daily Post Has Just Came Out. ( pg 117 paragragh 2)
5. Mary Basham Wore A Splendid Pendant. ( pg 117 paragragh 3)

1.A Digital Game.
2. Slowly Touched His Arm.
3. She Rapedly Fired Questions At Him.
4. A New Edition Of A News Paper.
5. She Was Wearing A Beautiful Blue Pendant.

Who Are They??

WALT - Write Informative And Interesting Sentences
Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 12

Eve -  She Lived South Of Perth, In A Place Called Margaret River. Her Parents Were Involed In A Tourist Industry And Were Over Here Setting Up A Joint-Marketing Scheme. Her Name Was Eve Hasting And She Was An Only Child.
Ian MacMillan - He Is A Geologist And He Is Working On The Skeloton Case.
Louise Millar - Louise Millar Is The Pround Mother Of Mary Basham.
Mary Basham - Mary Basham Is The Proud Wife Of Edward Basham. She Is The Owner Of Many Fine Jewels.
Edward Basham - Edward Basham Is A Fine, Beefy And Rich Husband To Mary Basham.
Scott Miller - Scott Miller Is Skulla In WXK Gang.

Cross Country Training - Lap Time

Cross Country Training - Lap Time
Friday 11 May
Time: 4:40
Well I Did Bet My Time By Drum Roll Please...5 Seconds I Am So Proud Of Myself!!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 14

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 14
WALT - Justtify Answers Using Information From The Text

1. Why Had Matt Not Slept Well?
2. Why Did Nan Tell Matt That He Was Famous?
3. What Happened To Matt In The Redwoods?
4. What Did Eve Find Out?

1. Matt Had Trouble Getting To Sleep Because Of Worring, He Was Worring About Juzza And The Burgalry.
2. Nan Told Matt That He Was Famous Because His Picture Was In The Newspaper.
3. The Gawk Stole His Metal Dector And Gold Soverigns.
4.  Eve Found Out That Jack Boult Was The Body.

Cross Country Training - Lap Time

Cross Country Training - Lap Time
Thursday 10 May
Time: 4:45
I Am Hoping To Get A Better Time Next Time.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 15

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 15
WALT - Justify Answers Using Information From Text

1. Why Did Hone Get Angry?
2. Predict What Is Going To Happen?

1. Hone Got Angry Because Matt Didn't Tell Him About The Gang Earlier.
2.  I Think That The Gang Will Find Matt And Juzza And Corner Them To Questioning. Skulla Might Beat Them Up Because Matt Didn't Get Him Some Treasure.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 13

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 13
WALT - Justify Answers Using Information From The Text

1. How Is Matt Feeling About Juzza Now?
2. Who Is Gawk?
3. What Was Gawk Doing?

1. He Want's To Help Juzza Get Out Of The Robbary.
2. He Was A Perv Behind A Bush, He Was Wearing A Pair Of Tight Short Shorts And A Tropical T-Shirt. He Had Thick Orange Hair Which Was Parted In A 1950's Look.
3. He Was Spying On Two Lovers In The Park Behind A Bush.

Make Them Feel Happy!

                                      There's Always Going To Be 1 Person Glum Around You,
                                           Smile At Them And Make Them Feel Happy!!

My Weekend

I Didn't Do Much At The Weekend. My Mum Wanted All Of Us To Go To Some Apple Orchard Up The Road From My Best Friends House, Treea. We Were There For About Half And Hour Picked Lots Of Different Types Of Apples We Got A Over Flowing Bucket Of Apples And Went To Pay, It Turned Out To Be $6.50 For An Over Flowing Bucket. After That We Went To Treea's House To Ask Her If She Wanted To Come For A SLEEPOVER At My House On Friday, She Said Yes. Me And Kate Stayed At Her House For An Hour Befour Being Dropped Off Back At Our House. Because Treea Gets Of At Her Bus Stop On The Way To The Lynmore Diary, So Me And Kate Are Going To Walk To The Lynmore Diary So My Mum Can Pick Us Up. 
                         I CAN'T WAIT FOR FRIDAY!!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Thing Of The Day

Pic Of The Day

Quote Of The Day

Some People

Is Cool - Sophie
Broke You - ?Someone?
Has Perfect Hair - Rangi
Went Away - Kelly
Can Play Good Music - Emma
Your Best Friend - Treea
Knows Ya Betta Than Anyone -Myself
Smart - Jessie
Happy - Kate
Is The Bomb - Bree
Wont Stop Talking - Amy
Animal Lover -  Hannah
Has Pretty Eyes -  Shania
Wouldn't Be Here Without You - My Mum
Changed Your Life - ?No Idea Yet? 

Me As A Turtle

I See Sunlight...I Taste Fresh Sea Air On My Lips....I Feel Sand On My Tiny Flippers. I Look Around And See Empty Shells And Scurring Baby Turtles Crawling On The Hot Sand To The Auqa Sea. Screaming Seagulls Are Diving Down By The Sea To See If They Can Get A Helpless Turtle Rolled On His Back. I Start To Crawl Slowly But Staying Carefully Away From The Bombing Seagulls. I'm Nearly There Just About A Meter...SQARKED I Slowly Turn My Head To See What Every Baby Turtle Feared...A Seagull!!! It Slowly Wadded Over To Me, Luckly It Was Only A Little Seagull But Still Dangerous. I Keep Crawling When I'm In The Water I'm Safe. One Fin Touches The Water And I Start To Slide In. Something Grabs My Legs And Pulls Me Up Into The Air! I Don't Have To Look Around To Know What It Is. I Wriggle Around So The Bird Might Lose Its Grip...It Does It Lets Go! I Fall About 6 Foot And Belly Flop Right Into The Water. But I Am Safe And I Swim Over To My Brothers And Sisters. Six Years Later I Wade Onto The Same Beach But Many Years Older, I'm Here To Lay My Own Baby's. After That I Crawl Back Into The Water. It Was Going To Be A Long Year.

Wednesday 2 May 2012


                                                      This Looks Yummy Yummy Yummy!!

Thing Of The Day

Quote Of The Day

                              Who say i say
                                                                       All  those things they 
                                                                  say say? 

Pic Of The Day

Hi Guys, I Saw This On The Web And I Thought It Looked Really Cool So I Thought I Would Share It With You! A Dude Pianted His Hand To Look Like A Zebra With The Eye And Everything.
Can You Do This???

I Love You

                                         Ok Guys Here Is My Pic Of The Day
                                                         This Pic Is Really Cool And Yummy!!


                                                                        I Love This Quote
                                                                                         Do You?!?!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Love Sugar

Sometimes Love Is Just This Sweet
But Sometimes It Needs A Bit Extra


Hang Up

                    The best thing about talking
                                      on the phone
                                                         is that you can always
                              hang up!!

Literacy - Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 9 and 10

WALT - Write Informative, Interesting Sentences.
 1. Find The Meaning Of The Following Words:
Caucasian, Complexion, Absence, Sovereigns, Resistant, Corrosion.
2. Use Each Word In An Informative, Interesting Sentence.

* Corrosion - Metal Decay.
* Caucasian - A Person Who Has White Or Pale Skin...Or ME!!
* Complextion - Natural Colour Of A Person's Skin.
* Absence - State Of Being Away.
* Sovereigns - An Old Cion With A Women's Head On One Side And A Shield On The Other.
* Resistant - To Open Something.

* A Caucasian Dude Walked Past Me And...And I Looked Away.
* My Fwend Sophie Was Absence Today.
* I Was Playing On The Field With Sophie And We Found A Gold Sovereigns.
* My Sister Is Complexion.
* My Dads Tool Box That Has Corrosion In It.
* She Was Resistant To Get To Her.


                                                 Some Times Some People Just Have To...

Sand Elephant

                           Can You Guys Make A Elephant Out Of 2 Tonnes Of Sand?!?!

Sand Dragon

                                          Hi Guys, Look At This Its A Six Foot Tall Dragon.
                                             Picture Taken At: The Harrison Hot Springs

Monday 30 April 2012

Rainbow Rose

                          Hi, I Was Looking Though Types Of Roses And I Came Across This
                                                 I Thought You Guys Would Like This!

My Fwends Are My Memories

The Members Of WXK

Here Are The Members Of WXK...
Scott Murry                Corry Colins                   Dennis Williams
- Fast                           - Nickname, Croak         - Nickname, Diz
- Determined               - Mowhawk                     - Nearly Beat A Person
- Fearless                    -Gang Tattos                        To Death

What Happened At The Hardware Store?!?!

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 8
Jackson walked in without money, credit card...nothing. He walked in and walked qwickly out and ran into an alley way. He had stolen a pair of long handled lopers for Matt to cut the thick roots to get to what they thought hidden treasure.

Best Fwend

                                                                 I Love My Best Fwends!!!


                                                                 Me As A Rainbow!!!

Me My Fwends And I

                                                Me, Jessie And Bree Being Silly Goose's!!!

My Fwends

Kate - Ello Ello :)))
Hannah -I Have 3 Guinea Pigs!
Rangi - Hey!
Bree - U A CopyKat I Did This 1ST ☺!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Lorna - I Like Cats!
Emma - I Love My Sister!
Do You Guys Like My Fwends?!?!

Sunday 29 April 2012

My Tooth Got An X-Ray!

Today I Went To The Dental Nurse And...
  My Tooth Got An X-Ray
  One Of My Molars Got A Filling
  And Last But Not Least One Of My Teeth Got Pulled Out!!
But In The End I Have A Numb Smile And A Big Gap In My Mouth.
Can My Day Get Any Worse?!?!